A few other places to find good information on Iceland.
I heart Reykjavík: A helpful, happy blog about Iceland. Great walking tours, and a great source of information on available tours in Iceland.
Iceland Review: Daily news out of Iceland. Follow them on Facebook too!
The Reykjavík Grapevine: A great resource for culture, entertainment, and restaurant reviews. They make sure to include some good humor and you can definitely tell when they aren’t being serious.
Iceland Weather: The best source of accurate weather forecasts for Iceland.
Aurora Forecasts: The aurora is elusive and magical. Magic cannot be predicted. That said, this website shows a good estimate of cloud cover (you can’t see the aurora if there are clouds between you and it!) and assigns a number 1-9 for the forecast. Here is a link to a night that had a forecast of only 2: August 27, 2015 Aurora. I was lucky enough to witness the aurora that night, but the above is not my video.